Good work/life balance is currently a key government agenda, and having plenty of time to enjoy your social life and family, according to Cooper, is essential for enjoying your work. If you love what you do, but often feel stressed and overworked, there are steps you can take to improve things before you consider leaving your job.
Employees may also have poor work/life balance if they have no flexibility with their working hours. If you find your work rewarding, but hate the regimented hours and nine-to-five routine, it may be worth talking to your employer about flexible working – which includes condensing hours on certain days, some part-time working and occasionally working from home. Staff who are offered flexible hours claim to enjoy their work more, according to figures from Chiumento, so if you’re not enjoying your job consider whether flexible working would help.
If you don’t have workplace flexibility and you think it’s making you enjoy your job less, how do you go about changing things? Broadly speaking, you’re legally entitled to request flexible working if you’ve had more than 26-weeks continuous employment, aren’t an agency worker and care for a child or relative in some capacity. In this case, you can submit a request in writing (although employers can refuse on a number of very general grounds). If you’re not a primary carer you don’t have any specific legal rights to request flexible working, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ask. After all, making changes for existing staff is often more cost-effective for employers than going through the recruitment process.
Improved work/life balance may help some employees stay put, but what about those who aren’t interested in the work they do? Should they consider leaving their job?
If you’re not interested in the organisation you work for, it could be time to consider leaving your job for something you’re really passionate about. “When you follow your passion life becomes easier,” says Hambleton-Jones. “By this I don’t mean all your problems disappear, but at least you feel as though you’re swimming with the tide rather than against it.”